Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Easiest Breakfast Ever!

Ok, so I am super big on breakfast. Being from the south, it's normally filled with pancakes, bacon, grits, or biscuits with various toppings. But what's one to do when they're being healthy? Turkey bacon can get boring, and there are only so many things you can do with oatmeal.

I've been eating egg beaters a lot lately, but having so many dishes can be such a drag. Perfect solution?  Make em in a mug! It's so easy, and there are endless possibilities!
I cut up peppers and onions, spray the mug with nonstick cooking spray, microwave for 30 seconds, then add the egg beaters and seasonings (sometimes some leftover meat or sliced up lunch meat) and microwave for another minute, stir, and add on an extra 30 seconds for good measure. I messed around with other cooking times, but that seems to be about the best combo.

Doing a little research, I came across this blog from Hungry Girl. See? The possibilities really are endless! How did I not hear about this breakfast miracle sooner? Well, now you know, too. Try it and get ready to totally shake up your breakfast routine.

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