Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fitness: Best Ab Video

I've been increasingly focused on food, which is hard not to do in Italy! With all of the yummy temptations out here, exercise  is a must.

To be honest, everyone should work out, regardless of what they eat. It keeps your energy level up, helps your immune system, and levels out your moods (I always joke that our brain's release of endorphins and serotonin from exercise are nature's best drugs, and natural rewards!)

With my free gym membership running out (and no Biggest Loser DVDs in sight), finding fun (and free) ways to work out has proven challenging. Not anymore!

Exercise TV has a website where you can buy and download videos, sample some free work outs, and gather information on weight loss.

In honor of this great discovery, I've pledged to do a new workout every day this week.

Today, an old favorite from OnDemand, Cindy Whitmarsh's "6 Pack Abs Calorie Burn."
Back in Berkeley, it was my favorite ab video, and it produces results within weeks.
Check back for reviews on new videos throughout the week!

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