Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Recently Discovered: Extra Dessert Delights New Flavors!

Ok, remember how excited I was about Extra's strawberry shortcake flavor? Well, if you don't, you can see here.

So, they have a couple of new flavors! First, Root Beer Float. I love anything root beer, so as soon as I saw that little brown pack of glory, I couldn't resist. Sitting next to it was Rainbow Sherbet. Who doesn't love rainbow sherbet?

In all honesty, I wasn't a fan of the mint chocolate, apple pie, or key lime flavors. They really just triggered me into wanting to eat the real thing. Anyhow, I went into tasting these new flavors with a little apprehension and a whole lotta hope. (Okayyy, it's just gum, but still!)

Root Beer Float came first... Creamy, root beer-y, deliciousness. These flavors don't last a super long time, but they do the trick. I mean, this gum is like eating one of those candy sticks without the guilt of rotting your teeth or causing a sugar crash. Total win!
Rainbow Sherbet saved me from eating all of the English chocolates I brought home for friends after a recent vacation. (Hey, don't judge! I know a guy who ate all the chocolates he brought home from Switzerland and bought replacements at World Market.) The Rainbow Sherbet flavor was pretty good. Sweet like candy, it was a bit strange to have the taste of sherbet without the cold or the texture. I like it, but I'd rather have the real deal. As a fruity flavored gum, though, it's awesome... kinda like fruit stripe!

All in all, a successful buy.
Will I buy more? Yes. Definitely.
Will I use it to replace dessert on the reg? Let's be real, probably not. But it is a good option to curb cravings and prevent mindless munching.

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