We all hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is, but it can be such a drag figuring out what to eat when you're rushing out the door. The same old cereal can leave you less than full and eating nothing wreaks havoc on your metabolism.
So what's a busy model (student, person) to do?
Here are some options for fast, healthy, and filling breakfast shakes, followed by a recipe for healthy "pancakes." I usually do one or the other, but depending on my workouts, I'll add a couple of slices of turkey bacon or a handful of almonds on the side of the shakes.
1 Cup Chocolate Soy Milk, 1/2 Banana and Berries Blended with Ice.
Skim Milk, 1 Banana, 1 TBSP Almond Butter Blended with Ice.
Low Fat Greek Yogurt, Blueberries, and 1 tsp Honey; Blend Until Smooth.
Recipe Care of Lorraine Lopez
2 egg whites
1 serving of quick cooking oatmeal
Mix together, heat up a nonstick skillet, spray with nonstick cooking spray.
Put the mixture on the skillet, cook like you would a pancake, flipping when the sides start to pull up.
“Pancake” will turn golden brown when done.
This is really good if you spread low-fat or Greek yogurt and blueberries, but you can also use syrup.
Now you have no excuse to skip breakfast!